2022 $2 Honey Bee Coloured Uncirculated Coin in Card

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It was in 1822 that honey bees were first successfully exported to Australia, arriving at Sydney Cove aboard the ship Isabella. For two centuries since, honey bees have not only given Australians the opportunity to enjoy the delicious honey they produce, but also played a vital role in food production. Agricultural and horticultural industries rely heavily on honey bees for pollination of crops, and it is estimated that they contribute $4 billion to $6 billion to the Australian economy. Honouring the humble honey bee, and the bicentenary of the Honey Bee Industry, the Royal Australian Mint’s 2022 $2 Honey Bee Coin will be as hotly pursued as all coins in the commemorative $2 series.

The Royal Australian Mint’s circulating full‐colour $2 coins form the hottest series in Australian numismatics. Commanding the attention of collector and non‐collector alike, every coin is hoarded out of circulation at speed. Underpinned by some of the lowest decimal mintages, it is very difficult to track down colour $2 commemoratives in circulation.